GEM80 Migration

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A unique, low-risk, low downtime GEM80 migration

Cost, downtime and risk are a major factor when doing any upgrade. With our knowledge and experience, we have developed a unique phased low-risk approach to deliver a seamless GEM80 system upgrade solution to modern control equivalents.

Our GEM80 experts, including senior members of the original GEM80 development and support engineering team, have designed and delivered a proven upgrade solution.

Minimal downtime? No problem. Transicon have a tried and tested method of maintaining communication links with other GEM80 systems, GEMSTART (CCU) units, STARNET, GEMLAN-T and other third-party devices. We ensure that the whole process line remains operational with minimal changes during a GEM80 upgrade.


Transicon's GEM80 Code converter has specifically been developed to automatically convert GEM80 programs including the data and rung comments, along with an extensive library of proven GEM80 special functions already developed and in service for both Rockwell and Siemens range of Controllers.

We also have the in-house expertise to completely reprogram the PLC code if required.


Transicon's scanner card connects the GEM80 Basic IO modules to a new PLC via Ethernet.

This enables the verification of the converted system code using the original plant IO. At a future date the GEM80 IO would then be replaced (Phase 2). Should a problem arise then it would be a simple matter to reconnect the IO to the original GEM80 Controller.

Site Phase 2 - GEM80 I/O INTERFACE

Transicon's interface cards enable us to reuse the existing GEM80 wiring/connectors when replacing GEM80 IO.

New I/O Modules are prewired to the Interface cards which are housed in an Interface subrack mounted on a predrilled baseplate.

The assembly is fully tested during factory test, reducing any potential wiring errors on site. The assembly is designed to quickly replace a GEM80 IO subrack with little or no wiring carried out onsite. This approach significantly de-risks project installation and time on site.

Any Questions? Just let us know

You can send us a message using the contact form or you can speak to us now by calling...

+44(0)1952 605 515


